The year 2022 is very special because Telkom University started its collaboration with Batangas State University, Philippines. Not long after the signing of the MoU, the two universities immediately held an Online Joint Class on Monday (21/2/22), as the implementation of their first collaboration. This is also the first Online Joint Class held by Telkom University with partners this year.
More than 280 participants were joined the Online Joint Class in Machine Learning for Cyber Security. The two speakers, Dr. Nyoman Bogi Aditya Karna, ST., MSEE and Dr. Alvin Sarraga Alon share their latest research on Machine Learning for Cyber Security. The presentation was really interesting and brought new input especially for those who are interested in Machine Learning topic.
Don’t forget to join our next session on February 24th, 2022 on the topic of Deep Learning. See you!
#iotelkomuniv #telkomunvirsity #bandung #indonesia #worldclassuniversity #thebestprivateuniversity #batangasstateuniversity #philippines
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