[2025 Korean Language Speaking Contest]
✨The Korea Times will hold its second Korean Language Speaking Contest this year!✨
How to Apply
1. Create and upload a video in Korean in either long form (2-3 minutes) or short form (under 1
minute) on YouTube.
*Add the hashtag #howdykorea in the video title, make the video public.
2. Complete and submit the online application form by scanning the QR code.
Topics Choose one category to enter
Long-Form Category (2-3 minutes)
– Introduce your favorite K-pop idol, drama, movie, actor or webtoon.
– Share a funny or surprising story from your experience living in Korea or learning Korean.
– Compare the similarities and differences between Korean culture and your own.
Short-Form Category (Under 1 minute)
– Compare Korean culture, food or language with that of yours.
– Imitate the voice, accent or speech style of a character from a Korean drama or movie while
introducing yourself.
– Share an interesting aspect of Korea or a unique characteristic of Koreans.
– Foreign nationals
– Overseas Koreans who are not native Korean speakers.
Submission period March 10, Monday — April 27, Sunday
Announcement of winners: May 14, Wednesday
– Awards ceremony: May 29, Thursday (tentative)
*How to check winners: Winners will be announced in The Korea Times (print & online) and on the
Howdy Korea YouTube channel.
*Awards ceremony participation: Winners residing overseas can participate online.
Link: https://klsc.koreatimes.co.kr/KoreanSpeakingContest_2025eng.html
For more information, call (02) 724-2869 or contact [email protected]