Telkom University in collaboration with the Universitas Islam Indonesia successfully held the 1st series of International Students’ Talk with the topic: “International Student Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic” on Tuesday (1/12/20). Nadhira Nuraini Afifa, the guest star of this event started this sharing session very enchanting and inspiring. She shared how she studied at Harvard University 9 months before the global pandemic struck. A student-centered learning at Harvard University certainly made Nadhira even more motivated to show her abilities as all students at Harvard University are required to be active in various activities including participating in the Student Speaker Contest at the 2020 Harvard Chan Convocation event. After struggling to prepare everything she could, including taking part in Public Speaking Coaching, Nadhira successfully managed to become the winner of the Student Speaker Contest where she would present a graduation speech in the graduation ceremony of Harvard University. That’s totally awesome.
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