Realizing Telkom University‘s vision as a World Class University, the International Office welcomed it with great enthusiasm by preparing qualified knowledge for staff and international student’s buddies. Entitled “Get to Know More about Internationalization!”, this self-development program was held on Monday, June 7th 2021 through the ZOOM meeting, and invited Indah Fajarwati, S.E., M.M, a manager of International Office Telkom University as a speaker.
The event opened with a simple question, “What is Internationalization?”, It is enough to lead participants to several opinions. And on this occasion, Mrs. Indah explained nicely how internationalization has become an important thing in today’s globalized world. According to Jane Knight (1993) as mentioned in Mrs. Indah’s presentation, the Internationalization in Higher Education can be defined as the process of integrating an international/intercultural dimension into the teaching, research, and service functions of the institutions. Deeper, the internationalization is divided into two main pillars; there are Internationalization at home and Abroad/Cross border.
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