Career Education Event Innovation TelUtizen Video

Telkom University Choir – Ego Sum Lux Mundi (Josu Elberdin)

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Telkom University Choir
Aldo Randy Ginting – Conductor

🎢 Ego Sum Lux Mundi – Josu Elberdin

9th Satya Dharma Gita Choir Festival 2023 – Semarang, Indonesia
4 – 9 September 2023

This competition was attended by 56 choirs from various parts of Indonesia, also was attended by 7 judges and choir experts which are:
1. Josu Elberdin Badiola (Spain)
2. Roni Sugiarto (Indonesia)
3. Hyonah Song (South Korea)
4. Mark Anthony (The Philippines)
5. Agastya Rama Listya (Indonesia)
6. Arvin Zaenullah (Indonesia)
7. Luciana Dharmadi Oendoen (Indonesia)

πŸ†The Best Interpretation of Compulsory Song Mixed Choir Category
πŸ†3rd Place – Mixed Choir Category (86,43)
πŸ†2nd Place – Folksong Category (87,57)
πŸ†2nd Place – Popular Music Category (85,51)

Telkom University Choir – Bandung, Indonesia
Instagram : @telkomunivchoir
Twitter : @telkomunivchoir
OA Line : @LIG2135F
Email : [email protected]

The content discusses the importance of self-care and provides tips on how to prioritize self-care in daily life. It highlights the benefits of self-care, including improved mental health and reduced stress. The tips include setting boundaries, engaging in activities that bring joy, practicing mindfulness and self-compassion, and taking breaks when needed. It emphasizes the need to make self-care a priority and to not feel guilty for taking time to take care of oneself. Ultimately, prioritizing self-care leads to better overall well-being and can help individuals better manage the challenges and stress of daily life.


HEI TelUtizen! Siapa yang mau berkunjung ke Tel-U Bandung juga? Yuk kita dengar
HEI TelUtizen! Kamu punya segudang pertanyaan? Tapi masih bingung jawabannya? Na


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