Telkom University Choir
Proudly Presents
VI Annual Concert : CAPOLAVOCE
The Endless of Great Symphony
Aldo Randy Ginting, Conductor
With a total of 88 singers, this concert was presented differently from the previous virtual concert. Some songs will be performed online (virtual choir) with a total 45 singers and some songs will be performed onsite (live recording) with a total 43 singers. ‘Capolavoce’ is a combination of the two Italian words ‘Capolavoro’ which means ’masterpiece’ and ‘voce’ which means ’voice’. The two words combined have the sense that the concert will be a masterpiece of the sound of Telkom University Choir’s singers.
VENUE : WOW SARAE HILLS BANDUNG ( @wow.saraehills )
04:12 O la, o che bon eccho! – Orlando di Lasso
06:07 Matona Mia Cara – Orlando di Lasso
08:46 O Nata Lux – Guy Forbes
12:21 Nella Fantasia – Ennio Morricone, arranged by Audrey Snydeer
17:12 Ma Bella Bimba – Italian Folksong, arranged by Donald Moore
19:15 Farfallina (Butterfly) – Italian Folksong arranged by Christi Jones
20:46 Lucciola (Firefly) – Italian Folksong arranged by Christi Jones
22:16 Grace Before Sleep – Sara Teasdale, adapted by Susan LaBarr
26:15 Nessun Dorma – Giacomo Puccini, arranged by Audrey Snyder
Instagram: @telkomunivchoir
Twitter: @telkomunivchoir
OA Line: (@) LIG2135F
Facebook: Telkom University Choir
Email: [email protected]
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Hallo Telkom University Choir! 👋🏻
Selamat malam, salam sejahtera..
Terimakasih banyak atas undangannya..
Kami PSM UIN Bandung mengucapkan selamat kepada Telkom University Choir atas terselenggaranya
"VI Annual Concert
CAPOLAVOCE: ‼️The Endless of Great Symphony‼️"
Salam hangat dari kami PSM UIN Bandung. Semangat berproses dan terus berkarya! 🙌🏻
Salam silaturahmi
Salam Harmoni! 💜💛
Damn so good, donation button where ? 🙂
Mantap dek
Keren pokoknya 🤙🤙
Kerenn bangat 👍👍
keren bgtt!!❤️❤️
Keren bangett 😭🔥🔥
Selamat atas terlaksananya "VI Annual Concert CAPOLAVOCE: The Endless Of Great Symphony"
Sukses selalu Tel-U Choir.
Salam hangat,
keren bgt🥺
Matoh pokoke…..
Teruntuk Aldo Randy Ginting, ternyata andalah yang menjadi penerus Bg Silas B.P Tampubolon. Semangat!!!!
aldaa kerrreennn bangett !! aku jd nge fans parrahhhh
kalo alda solo sama bagusnya dehh pasti!