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VI Annual Concert: CAPOLAVOCE | A Virtual Concert by Telkom University Choir

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Telkom University Choir
Proudly Presents

VI Annual Concert : CAPOLAVOCE
The Endless of Great Symphony

Aldo Randy Ginting, Conductor

With a total of 88 singers, this concert was presented differently from the previous virtual concert. Some songs will be performed online (virtual choir) with a total 45 singers and some songs will be performed onsite (live recording) with a total 43 singers. ‘Capolavoce’ is a combination of the two Italian words ‘Capolavoro’ which means ’masterpiece’ and ‘voce’ which means ’voice’. The two words combined have the sense that the concert will be a masterpiece of the sound of Telkom University Choir’s singers.

VENUE : WOW SARAE HILLS BANDUNG ( @wow.saraehills )

04:12 O la, o che bon eccho! – Orlando di Lasso
06:07 Matona Mia Cara – Orlando di Lasso
08:46 O Nata Lux – Guy Forbes
12:21 Nella Fantasia – Ennio Morricone, arranged by Audrey Snydeer
17:12 Ma Bella Bimba – Italian Folksong, arranged by Donald Moore
19:15 Farfallina (Butterfly) – Italian Folksong arranged by Christi Jones
20:46 Lucciola (Firefly) – Italian Folksong arranged by Christi Jones
22:16 Grace Before Sleep – Sara Teasdale, adapted by Susan LaBarr
26:15 Nessun Dorma – Giacomo Puccini, arranged by Audrey Snyder

Instagram: @telkomunivchoir
Twitter: @telkomunivchoir
OA Line: (@) LIG2135F
Facebook: Telkom University Choir
Email: [email protected]

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  1. Hallo Telkom University Choir! 👋🏻
    Selamat malam, salam sejahtera..

    Terimakasih banyak atas undangannya..
    Kami PSM UIN Bandung mengucapkan selamat kepada Telkom University Choir atas terselenggaranya
    "VI Annual Concert
    CAPOLAVOCE: ‼️The Endless of Great Symphony‼️"
    Salam hangat dari kami PSM UIN Bandung. Semangat berproses dan terus berkarya! 🙌🏻

    Salam silaturahmi
    Salam Harmoni! 💜💛

  2. Selamat atas terlaksananya "VI Annual Concert CAPOLAVOCE: The Endless Of Great Symphony"
    Sukses selalu Tel-U Choir.

    Salam hangat,
    PSM GGB 💚💚💚