Telkom University Choir
Aldo Randy Ginting, Conductor
Masruri Ramadhaniyah, Solo
2nd Taipei International Choral Competition – Taiwan
30 July – 2 August 2019
The Jury:
– Ēriks Ešenvalds (Latvia)
– Jānis Liepiņš (Latvia)
– Jonathan Velasco (The Philippines)
– Levente Gyöngyösi (Hungary)
– Cristian Grases (Venezuela)
– Pasi Hyökki (Finland)
– Chia-Fen Weng (Taiwan)
Category C3 – Contemporary Music
1st Place – Gold Diploma
Grand Prix Champion
Telkom University Choir – Bandung, Indonesia
Instagram : @telkomunivchoir
Twitter : @telkomunivchoir
OA Line : @LIG2135F
Email : [email protected]
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lebih asik kalo pake koreo😄😁
Sukak bgt
Bass nya kuat,bulet .. Keren2
Sopan msk telinga, agresif msk hati, keren bgt🤩🥰😭 #AMAZING
As our favorite indonesian choir until now💛
love it !!!
Sukakkkk, ticc tahun lalu ya ini, grand champion nya nihhh mantulll
:')) amazing
Sejauh ini bass ter-mind blowing…❤️❤️
gila bgt itu disonan di akhir XD nice job telkom univ!!
Perfect komposisi suara…
Disonan akhir keren ngeblend ❤ really enjoy it!